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Find Your Ring Size

Determine the correct ring size

How to use this guide

This chart is very useful to determine your ring size. 

You can use a small piece of tape or string to measure the finger that you want to put the ring on.

When it becomes a complete circle, mark on the string. 

Measure the string/taped on a scale/ruler.

Compare the measurement to the chart below.




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You’ll need:

  • String, tape, thin strip of paper or tape

  • Pen or marker

  • Ruler/Scale

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Step 1


  • Cut a thin strip of paper or thread

  • Wrap the tape/thread around your finger you plan to wear your new ring, make sure its snug!

  • Mark the spot where the tape/thread meet/overlap

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Step 2


  • Lay the string flat and measure the length of the thread with your ruler in millimeters

  • Use the following chart to determine the your ring size 


ring size table 2.png


You’ll need:

  • Existing Ring

  • Ruler/Scale

This is another procedure that can be considered determining the appropriate ring size.

Take a ring that you already own that fits perfectly on your finger.

Measure the inside diameter of a ring in millimeters with the scale/ruler. This can be used for double checking your results from procedure 1 as well.

Cross the same with the chart below.


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Step 1


  • Take a ring and place it on a scale

  • Measure its diameter

ring size table 3.png
ring size table 4.png


  • Measure your finger within the evening so your ring will be comfortable after a typical day of activity

  • Make sure the finger is at a normal body temperature, fingers shrink or expand when it's hot or cold.

  • The fingers tend to change size through the day, the best time to measure your finger is at the end of the day.

  •  Generally our dominant hands are slightly larger, make sure you measure the correct hand and finger.

  •  Wider band rings will fit a bit tighter. If you plan to measure an existing ring, try to measure the ring with a similar band  width that you intend to purchase.

  • If your knuckle is big, take two measurements and choose the size in between the two measurements. The ring needs to fit over the knuckle, but not too loose, or it will shift around.

  • If you are planning to take your partners ring size without them knowing, check out our tips on how to know her ring size without her knowing

  • If you don’t know her ring size, its best to select one of the standard sizes. The average size for women is 6 to 6.5 and for men its 9 to 10


The two most accurate ways to confirm a ring size is to have it measured by us in person or have them visit a local jeweler.

Using the above methods will result in good approximation, but there is always the risk of it being slightly off.


We offer free resizing up to 2 points either way, within the first 60 days, inscribing or engraving charges may apply.


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