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A Diamonds Cut Unleashes Its Light
About Cut
This is the most important of all the 4 C’s.
A diamond’s cut does not refer to its shape, but to the balance of proportion, symmetry and polish achieved by the diamond cutter. The overall beauty of the diamond depends on how it’s cut. When the cut is correctly done, it enhances the ability of the diamond to reflect and refract the light passing through, thus creating more luster and fire.
By understanding the way light movies in a diamond, cutters have established a specific set of angles and proportions that are known to increase the diamond's internal brilliance and its fire.
Diamond Charactersitcs
From the crown to the culet, get familiar with the anatomy of a diamond and with the measurements that play a key role in determining its cut.
Diamond Grading Scale
The diamond is graded on these following standards:
Excellent - Exquisite quality cut to create the optimal combination of fire and brilliance. Reflects nearly all light that enters the diamond. Top 3% of diamond quality based on cut.
Very Good - A premium quality cut that reflects nearly as much light as the excellent cut while at a substantially lower cost
Good - A quality cut to optimize the size with sacrificing a little beauty. Reflects most light that enters.
Fair - Adequate quality cut that reflects some light while maximizing weight. Not as brilliant as a good cut.
Poor - Not carried by Vera Jewels
Along with the Cut,
the finish of the diamond is also considered in two parts:
Polish and Symmetry
Polish is the overall condition of the facet surfaces of a finished diamond.
Polish is graded on a scale from Excellent to Poor based on the presence and visibility of polish features at 10x magnification.
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Symmetry includes the precision of its proportions and the balanced placements of its facets from one to the other.
Symmetry is graded on a scale from Excellent to Poor based on the presence and visibility of symmetry deviations at 10x magnification.
No, A poorly cut diamond, with the facets off only by a few degrees can let the light entering, exit through the bottom of the diamond, known as light leakage, instead of from the top, where it will be visible. This creates a diamond with dull brilliance by poor light performance, making its center look dark. This C of the 4 C’s should be prioritized
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